Lets talk about managed disks

What are Azure managed disks? Why are these the best practise to roll out on new virtual machine builds? What are the advantages of using managed disks? Today we will be discussing these questions in more detail and providing useful information about managed disks.

Managed disks are Azure managed virtual machine disks that are easily added during virtual machine (VM) builds. When activating the managed disk its added to your VM in replacement of the traditional storage account based unmanaged disk. Originally this was the only way of doing this as all VM disks had to be placed into storage accounts. Adding a managed disk though VM creation is a very easy process and literally takes one click:

There are many advantages for using manged disks opposed to traditional unmanaged disk storage which are mainly related to less overhead management, less resource sprawl, secured disk storage, better high availability and reliability on virtual machine disk storage.

Simplified Management - You can specify the type of disk and size needed and Azure will automatically create and manage the disks for you.

Scalable virtual machine deployments - Create thousands of managed disks within minutes. Create up to 1000 virtual machines in scale sets in a single large cluster.

More Secure - Using Azure RBAC (Role Based Access Control) you are able to create granular role based access control on your managed disks.

Highly durable and available - Your data is replicated simultaneously to three different replicas. If one replica fails there are two others to take over.

The below is a great comparison between unmanaged and managed disks:

There are also various further advantages of using managed disks. Namely multiple storage options like SSD premium managed disks for critical performance intensive workloads, and HDD for standard managed disk non-critical workloads. Easy migration from standard to premium managed disks as well as your existing ARM (Azure Resource Manager) virtual machines into managed disks. Point in time backup snapshot of your managed disk to create new managed disks later. Simple custom image management and encryption with bringing your own keys is available.

Managed disks are now the best way to use virtual machine disks in Azure. It's actually much easier to roll out and less admin than unmanaged disks as well as more reliable.

Please read the following for additional information:

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